we just led The largest protest EVER of banks' financing of fossil fuels
We demanded banks stop financing repression of indigenous rights, human rights abuses, and desecration of the earth (see background below). On November 2nd, the Equator Principles Association heard our call (#DivestTheGlobe, #EquatorBanksAct) and announced they have decided to revise the Equator Principles and publish new ones within 18 months (May 2019).
BUT Many of the Equator Banks still
finance companies behind the proposed tar sands pipelines.
That is why we are amping up our boycott campaign and asking individuals, businesses, NGO's, faith & ethics organizations, and governments to divest from banks behind these pipeline companies and invest in renewable energy.
Background of the #DivestTheGlobe Campaign
On October 23rd, ninety-two of the world's largest banks met in São Paolo, Brazil to discuss policies on the climate and Indigenous People's rights to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC). These banks include Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) financiers such as Wells Fargo, Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, and many more. Mazaska Talks called on indigenous people and allies everywhere to join us for 3 days of mass global action that make it clear to the banks: Financing climate disaster and the abuse of Indigenous Peoples will result in a massive global divestment movement.
Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer
Energy transfer admits Maza$ka Talks
“The damage to our relationships with the capital markets has been substantial, impairing access to financing and increasing [our] cost of capital and our ability to fund future projects”
- Energy Transfer v. Greenpeace